
From Chalo Chatu, Zambia online encyclopedia

-- Get the raw leaderboard content. local lb ='Wikipedia:STiki/leaderboard') local lbtext = (lb and lb:getContent()) or error('Could not find the leaderboard text')

-- Get a specific data value for a given username. local function findLeaderboardData(dfield, username) username = username:gsub('%p', '%%%0') local r = {} r.rank, r.uses, r.vand, r.agf, r.queue, r.first, r.last, r.avg, r.yest, r.last30 = string.match( lbtext, '\n| align=center | (%d+) || align=left | %[%[User:' .. username .. '|' .. username .. '%]%] %(%[%[User_Talk:' .. username .. '|talk%]%] | %[%[Special:Contributions/' .. username .. '|contribs%]%]%) || align=right | (%d+) || align=right | ([%d%.]+)%% ' .. '|| align=right | ([%d%.]+)%% || align=center | (%S+) || align=right ' .. '| Error: %d+ This is not a valid number. Please refer to the documentation at {{number table sorting}} for correct input. (%d+) days ago || align=right | Error: %d+ This is not a valid number. Please refer to the documentation at {{number table sorting}} for correct input. (%d+) days ago || align=right ' .. '| Error: [%d%.]+ This is not a valid number. Please refer to the documentation at {{number table sorting}} for correct input. ([%d%.]+) edits || align=right | (%d+) || align=right | (%d+)' ) return r[dfield] end

-- Expose the data values to wikitext return setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, key) return function (frame) local username = frame.args[1] or username = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(mw.text.trim(username)) if username == then error('No username specified') end return findLeaderboardData(key, username) end end })