Module:Convert character width/data

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< Module:Convert character width
Revision as of 13:11, 22 September 2019 by Icem4k (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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-- This is the data page for Module:Convert character width. -- TODO: There are quite a few missing characters. See Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Unicode block) for the full list.

local convert = {

   [" "] = " ",
   ["!"] = "!",
   ['"'] = '"',
   ['#'] = '#',
   ['$'] = '$',
   ['\%'] = '%', -- This needs to be escaped, otherwise it generates invalid pattern matches.
   ['&'] = '&',
   ["'"] = "'",
   ['('] = '(',
   [')'] = ')',
   ['*'] = '*',
   ['+'] = '+',
   [','] = ',',
   ['-'] = '-',
   ['.'] = '.',
   ['/'] = '/',
   ['0'] = '0',
   ['1'] = '1',
   ['2'] = '2',
   ['3'] = '3',
   ['4'] = '4',
   ['5'] = '5',
   ['6'] = '6',
   ['7'] = '7',
   ['8'] = '8',
   ['9'] = '9',
   [':'] = ':',
   [';'] = ';',
   ['<'] = '<',
   ['='] = '=',
   ['>'] = '>',
   ['?'] = '?',
   ['@'] = '@',
   ['A'] = 'A',
   ['B'] = 'B',
   ['C'] = 'C',
   ['D'] = 'D',
   ['E'] = 'E',
   ['F'] = 'F',
   ['G'] = 'G',
   ['H'] = 'H',
   ['I'] = 'I',
   ['J'] = 'J',
   ['K'] = 'K',
   ['L'] = 'L',
   ['M'] = 'M',
   ['N'] = 'N',
   ['O'] = 'O',
   ['P'] = 'P',
   ['Q'] = 'Q',
   ['R'] = 'R',
   ['S'] = 'S',
   ['T'] = 'T',
   ['U'] = 'U',
   ['V'] = 'V',
   ['W'] = 'W',
   ['X'] = 'X',
   ['Y'] = 'Y',
   ['Z'] = 'Z',
   ['['] = '[',
   [ \ ] = '\',
   [']'] = ']',
   ['^'] = '^',
   ['_'] = '_',
   ['`'] = '`',
   ['a'] = 'a',
   ['b'] = 'b',
   ['c'] = 'c',
   ['d'] = 'd',
   ['e'] = 'e',
   ['f'] = 'f',
   ['g'] = 'g',
   ['h'] = 'h',
   ['i'] = 'i',
   ['j'] = 'j',
   ['k'] = 'k',
   ['l'] = 'l',
   ['m'] = 'm',
   ['n'] = 'n',
   ['o'] = 'o',
   ['p'] = 'p',
   ['q'] = 'q',
   ['r'] = 'r',
   ['s'] = 's',
   ['t'] = 't',
   ['u'] = 'u',
   ['v'] = 'v',
   ['w'] = 'w',
   ['x'] = 'x',
   ['y'] = 'y',
   ['z'] = 'z',
   ['{'] = '{',
   ['|'] = '|',
   ['}'] = '}',
   ['~'] = '~',


   -- TODO: The following need to be converted to the correct characters.
   [] = '⦅',
   [] = '⦆',
   [] = '。',
   [] = '「',
   [] = '」',
   [] = '、',
   [] = '・',


   ['ヲ'] = 'ヲ',
   ['ァ'] = 'ァ',
   ['ィ'] = 'ィ',
   ['ゥ'] = 'ゥ',
   ['ェ'] = 'ェ',
   ['ォ'] = 'ォ',
   ['ャ'] = 'ャ',
   ['ュ'] = 'ュ',
   ['ョ'] = 'ョ',
   ['ッ'] = 'ッ',
   ['ー'] = 'ー',
   ['ア'] = 'ア',
   ['イ'] = 'イ',
   ['ウ'] = 'ウ',
   ['エ'] = 'エ',
   ['オ'] = 'オ',
   ['カ'] = 'カ',
   ['キ'] = 'キ',
   ['ク'] = 'ク',
   ['ケ'] = 'ケ',
   ['コ'] = 'コ',
   ['サ'] = 'サ',
   ['シ'] = 'シ',
   ['ス'] = 'ス',
   ['セ'] = 'セ',
   ['ソ'] = 'ソ',
   ['タ'] = 'タ',
   ['チ'] = 'チ',
   ['ツ'] = 'ツ',
   ['テ'] = 'テ',
   ['ト'] = 'ト',
   ['ナ'] = 'ナ',
   ['ニ'] = 'ニ',
   ['ヌ'] = 'ヌ',
   ['ネ'] = 'ネ',
   ['ノ'] = 'ノ',
   ['ハ'] = 'ハ',
   ['ヒ'] = 'ヒ',
   ['フ'] = 'フ',
   ['ヘ'] = 'ヘ',
   ['ホ'] = 'ホ',
   ['マ'] = 'マ',
   ['ミ'] = 'ミ',
   ['ム'] = 'ム',
   ['メ'] = 'メ',
   ['モ'] = 'モ',
   ['ヤ'] = 'ヤ',
   ['ユ'] = 'ユ',
   ['ヨ'] = 'ヨ',
   ['ラ'] = 'ラ',
   ['リ'] = 'リ',
   ['ル'] = 'ル',
   ['レ'] = 'レ',
   ['ロ'] = 'ロ',
   ['ワ'] = 'ワ',
   ['ン'] = 'ン'


return convert